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This Week at Powergrip USA: August 14, 2023

Simon Lizotte Glitsch Now Available in Stores

Now that all pre-orders have been delivered, everyone can find the MVP R2 Eclipse Rim Glitch Glitsch both online and at our Bloomington Store. Each disc has a black core with a blue color glow rim, and a triple foil. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to support Simon Lizotte, as a portion of each disc sold goes to him directly. 

Upcoming Releases

This week, Discmania expands their stock S-Line. See what's going live and when:

New at the Shop

Check out the latest releases and restocks you may not have caught:

Staff Pick: Dynamic Discs Lucid Ice Orbit Escape 

A lot of us know the Dynamic Discs Escape as one of company's first molds. It's a great way to get easy distance, especially if you're newer to the game. The small rim even helps with comfort and easy releases when throwing. For skilled players, it can be put on all sorts of angles to quickly become the ultimate control driver. 

Beyond that, the new Lucid Ice Orbit Escape gives off stunning visuals with its array of colors. These discs are manufactured using a two-color process that makes each disc extremely unique. 

Also be sure to check out the Supreme Escape and Lucid Ice Escape 10-Year Anniversary Stamp

Flight numbers: 9, 5, -1, 2

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