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This Week at Powergrip USA: September 6, 2023

That's a Wrap:  2023 PDGA World Championships

Congrats to Isaac Robinson and Kristin Tattar on clinching their 2023 World Championship titles! It was truly an entertaining tournament to watch. Also, special shoutout to all members of Team Powergrip for their continued hard work and perseverance of the sport of disc golf. 

Celebrate Worlds in style with an Isaac Robinson 500 FX-4, or Kristin Tattar Gold Orbit Saint Pro

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Staff Pick: Innova Star Alien

From the Kastaplast Berg to the MVP Glitch, there's a lot of unique discs out there. For those who are looking to add another interesting one to their collection, look no further. A few weeks ago, Innova introduced the Alien. The flight numbers make it look like another stable approach/midrange disc, but there's more to it. 

The Alien has a flight plate similar to that of a Sonic, with a rim designer closer to a modern midrange. At first glance, you'd think the Alien would have an unexpected flight path to it. Turns out, it's surprisingly stable, full of glide, and close to max weight. 

Flight numbers: 4, 2, 0, 1

Innova's Alien is available in Star, DX, and Nexus plastic. 

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