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This Week at Powergrip: June 12, 2023

Powergrip USA's Online Shop Turns One

This past weekend, we celebrated a full year of being open in the United States. We're extremely grateful for all of the support we've received from our customers and the disc golf community. From first order we filled for the Online Shop, to opening the doors to our Bloomington Store, it has been a great journey thus far.

The past year brought us a lot of exciting things, and we're looking forward to the path ahead. Here's to a full year of Powergrip USA! 

One-Year Anniversary Sale

To celebrate, we're giving everyone an instant 20% off this week. Just use code ONEYEAR20 at checkout, and the rest will take care of itself.

Upcoming Releases

See whats going live this week and when:

It's time for Wave 3 of the Ledgestone Open 2023 Editions. Here's a glimpse of some of the new drops that go live in-store Friday when we open and online at 7 p.m. Eastern Time: 

...and several more drops from the 2023 Ledgestone Collection!

New at the Shop

Check out the latest releases and restocks you may not have caught:

Staff Pick: Kastaplast K1 Stig

Sometimes we need a disc that fits the slot of a mid range and a fairway driver. This is the answer to that problem.

New for 2023, the Kastaplast K1 Stig is an understable mid range that is smooth, easy to throw and control, and will give you a bit of turn and fade. Its extra glide will be your friend when you're wanting to put some power behind and get some extra distance. Buckle up Kastaplast fans. This will slip into bag effortlessly. 

Flight numbers: 6, 5, -2, 1 

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